Welcome to Philadelphia Church Of God (Seventh Day)

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Looking for a Church near you?

We are a Christ-centered, grace-oriented, Sabbath-celebrating fellowship of believers being transformed by the Holy Spirit and committed to the written Word of God as our sole authority for belief and practice.

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Mark 15:16 "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all.." 

Ministries That Inspire

We are a church that tries our best to create value through the people we bless. We challenge ourselves on going deep into our communities to help those less fortunate, fellow-shipping together, and sharing the love of Christ. We are bible-centered so the "Word of God" is our root. Our ministry's focus is to go and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Welcome to our calendar section. 

Here you will find updates on our services and events. Also, check out our Facebook for ministry meeting times and dates. We are currently hosting Zoom services. Please feel free to join us and be blessed. Meeting times are on the calendar. See you soon!

You can now Pay Dues, Give Tithes, and Gifts Online.

Planting a seed of faith

Thank you again in advance for your generosity, May God pour you out a "blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it" (Malachi 3:10).